La terre du jour / Sonia Dubois

technika: linoryt na białym kartonie
format: 21×30 cm
year: 2023
format oprawy: 32×42 cm


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Sonia Dubois' works are inspired by chance, combining structures and various thicknesses of paper with printing ink. The artist is inspired by masters such as Matisse, Picasso, and Modigliani.

Sonia Dubois is a French-Polish visual artist who blends analog and digital techniques. Born in 1992 in Neuilly-Sur-Seine, she is an illustrator and architect by training. She collaborates with designers, architects, musicians, writers, and more. She creates album covers, illustrates books, and also produces linocuts and mixed-media objects in her studio in Poznań, where she lives with her two adopted dogs, Benia and Iver.


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